Sunday 28 September 2014

I decided that to have a good understanding of the separate sub genres of horror and suspense movies I should read around each individual group (e.g. psychological, thriller, slasher etc) and find out what industry greats have to say about the differences between each are. I felt that by having a more definitive understanding of each sub genre, the trailer I will ultimately create will be far more effective, partly due to the removal of confusion over the genre represented.

Saturday 20 September 2014

Codes & Conventions of Horror Movies

I have began my Research and Planning by doing some background research into the horror genre. Below is a list of typical Codes & Conventions that can be found in said genre of movies.
  • Primary target audience – male, 16-24, Mainstreamers
  • Extensive use of Narrative enigmas
  • Three act narrative structure
  • Predictable narrative content (follows format)
  • Clear binary oppositions e.g. good v evil
  • Use of low key lighting
  • Use of CGI, FX
  • Dominant, hegemomic representation of gender: The Female Victim
  • Young/teenage characters
  • Use of hand-held camera: audience identification/realism
  • Point of view shots
  • Low angle shots
