Sunday 12 October 2014

Attached here below is the original plot synopsis for my film I devised over the summer break, "Deliverance: Sed Ira Dei"; a psychological horror about four young adults embodying the ideas of original sin.

Deliverance: Sed Ira Dei

Four friends, Adam, an adventurous extrovert, Eve a vivacious and wild “free spirit”, Peter an avid rock climber and self confessed adrenaline junkie and Jude, a quiet and reserved academic, set out on a study break from university on a much needed “blow out” after three intense years of work. The group have never cared about their popularity and show little regard for the feelings and needs of others or the world around them. On one particular excursion, they travel to a remote part of Cumbria for seven days of camping, hiking, rock climbing and substance abuse, documenting everything on camera.


Setting out from civilisation, the friends pay little regard for nature as they raucously deface their way through the trees, whilst trekking to an overnight stop. As they march on their careless rampage, the group spot various carvings seemingly of a religious nature. Their message appears to be an alarming ultimatum, showing the consequences of a sinful life. Paying no regard to this however, the friends settle down for their first night of debauchery; their drug fuelled antics last long into the night.  The four spend the next forty eight hours exploring and partying, with the days rolling into nights in one drunken blur.


On the third day, the group arise to find a problem… their belongings are covered with blood. What’s worse is, a human body is found metres away from their camp, totally unidentifiable, but with the same religious symbols covering the mutilated corpse. Scared for their lives, the group try to find a way out, splitting into two groups they search the dense forest for an exit. As they desperately try to find a way out. 

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