Monday 15 December 2014

Today in our lesson we, the group, had a lengthy discussion to summarise this terms efforts, set goals and personal deadlines for the group, as well as bring new ideas to the table for us to think about over the Christmas holidays. As a group we've always felt that the code of enigma will largely stem from the back story of the tribe involved in the "cursed" symbols, so therefore one of our ongoing tasks has been to develop this story on from newspaper reports and primary research we gathered in the early stages of development. I suggested we incorporated shots of men in black hoods inbetween the inter-titles at the beginning of the trailer, to immediately get the audience asking questions of the identity and intentions of the mysterious hooded men. I felt their appearance would be similar to that of other horror greats seen in such films as "Scream", so perhaps the fear of this recognisable threat would enhance the tension experienced at the beginning of the trailer.

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