Tuesday 28 April 2015

Billing Block Final Copy

Here is the the final edition of my film magazine "Billing Block". I have made the sell lines smaller so they are less intrusive on the main image and have also added an extra colour to make them more vibrant and stand out on the page. This is as a result of the feedback I gathered after showing my previous draft to members of my target audience. I have now added social media addresses, which when combined with the magazine website beneath the masthead, make my magazine interactive, which therefore means it would be competitive with our major leading titles on the market that have also used this device to provide yet more content for their readers. Overall I personally are very happy with the final product as I believe it covers a range of film genres and a variety of features, as well as providing ample analysis of the new releases whilst also championing older classics. I believe it also effectively combines codes and conventions of the magazine industry with my own creativity to ultimately make it a professional, well rounded product.

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