Sunday 5 April 2015

Today I took the main image for my film poster, and began editing it. As previously mentioned, I was inspired by the poster for the "Blair Witch Project", as I liked how the main symbol from the film took centre stage, and was the only major feature on the poster, meaning the final product was simple, yet emphasised the importance of the symbol in the film. I intend to place the symbol from our film on top of the hand, as I believe the severed hand main image is more eye catching than a plain background. The blood and mood on the hand symbolise the gruesome events of the film, and hopefully foreshadow the bleak conclusion to the film. I chose to have a severed hand feature on my film poster, rather than have it attached to the body, as I wanted to symbolise how the characters in the film are "cut off" from civilisation, and ultimately show the effects isolation have on the film.

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